Saturday 2 May 2015

Week 8 - Lecture & Individual Milestone

Rob from Cox Architects presented his ideas on the way he thought designers should think and the future of design. He began by showing us several projects he had worked on as well as his currectly work with the use of G.I.S. (Geographic Information System) 
"What language do you speak?"

A strong statement that Rob constantly refered back to. As diverse as any spoken language can be, a designers language can easy be portrayed in the same light. The diversity of a designers language often refers to how they present a design with the tools they have on hand, whether it be the manipulation of a sketch or the lines and surfaces created in a modelling software.

A designer should always be thinking on on two levels, direct and indirect, to fully convey our message to the world. Rob believes that only then will the "Errors per cubic meter" in Architecture reduce. He also explained how the sharing of information, ideas and models will benefit the Architectural community in the future and better design, art & architecture.

"Always design a thing by considering it in its next larger context - a chair in a room, a room in a house, a house in an environment, an environment in a city plan"

Image 1 : Grail 1968 Demo Flowgraph

Major Milestone : 

Truck Interior Modelling Progression
3DS Max Modelling progression of the Interior of a Volvo FMX Truck. (Part 3)
In this video I begin to model the dashboard along with the airconditioning outlet, buttons and compartments.

My role in the Oculus group is to model part of the Track Cabin along side Mathew. It's been a bit tricky as we've had to share the model frequently to see how certain components of the model tie in with one another but over all its been manageable.

For our Presentation on Intellectual Property I'll be focusing on a brief introduction with my main focus being on :
     - What is Intellectual Property?
     - Summarising : Design, Trademark, Copyright, Patent, Plan Breeder's Right        & Others

     - And how to take ownership of I.P

Week 7 - Lecture, Research & Modelling

Andrew Butler from Cox Architects gave a lecture on 'Mobility'.

The main philosophy I gathered from Andrew presentation was to always apply yourself and to continually push yourself. He's explanation of how the Architectural world is today and how it would be in the future was depicted as something forever evolving for the better. He also explained the importance of knowing several programs and never to get tied down to just a handful.

Image 1 : 

Oculus Progression : 
Week 7 was a good week for the group we had all progressed in our models or had help each other solve issues we were having in the process of modelling. We have fine tuned our 'Original' Gantt Chart to a more realistic timeline which everyone has agreed too.

Week 6 - Study Break

During the study break I’ve progressed in my interior cabin modelling of the truck. I'm liaising with Mathew in creating the finished product. Mathew is working on completing the exterior of the truck. In this video you will see the center console almost near complete as well as 2 chairs/seats.

Friday 1 May 2015

Week 5 - Lecture & I.P Research

Russell Lowe gave a lecture on 'Ideas and Concepts' this week.

Image 1 : Example of Helvetica Font

Week 4 - Lecture & Individual Milestone

Adrian McGregor of McGregor Coxall - Landscape Architecture & Urban Design was the guest lecturer for Week 4. 

Image 1 : McGregor Coxxall - Lizard Log Western Sydney Regional Park

Individual Milestone Progression :

During the tutorial Russell brought with the the Oculus Rift for us to experience. 
We straight away faced several connectivity errors with powering Oculus and connecting it with the Unreal Environment. However, once we had everything running it was really quiet an interesting little gadget! It operated very smoothly and i found that it would be visually effective for what we had to with our Oculus project.

I've started modelling up the seats for the Truck Cabin. I've had to brush up on my 3Ds Max modelling but have got the hang of the basic commands reletivley quickly.

Week 3 - Lecture & Oculus Backbrief

Richard Goodwin was the guest lecturer for week 3. Most of the work he presented was very eye opening and incredibly different to what i'd normally be draw to. He discussed architecture and art in a different light and had a uniquely diverse understanding of design.
Image 1: Richard Goodwin's Poroplastic - 2008 Exhibition

Oculus Backbrief - Group Presentation Link :

Reflection: After our Backbrief Presentation, the feedback we recieve from our peers and tutors was very positive and helpful. After the tutorial our group had a one on one with Russell to discuss afew questions we had, only after we recieved our feedback and talk with Russell I felt that we all fully grasped how to attack this project.

Week 2 - Lecture & Progression

To begin week 2 we had a lecture from a guest speaker, Suleiman Alhadidi of HASSELL Architects. He spoke of 'Perspective & Mobility' and explained the design process taken for several projects he had worked on both past and present. The one project that really caught my attention was the Flinders Street Train Station Re-development. He explained how and why the Arc formation was a key contributing factor into which they explored in keeping with the existing stations facade.

 Image 1 : Interier shot of New Flinders Street Station

 Image 2 : Exterior shot of New Flinders Street Station

Oculus Team Members : 
Dara Ten
Andrew McDonald
Matthew Sinpraseuth
Daniel Juarez
Shanny Lam

Week 2 Oculus Progression : 
We collectivley combined our understanding on our Oculus Back Brief. Our knowlegde at the time on Oculus and the Hong Kong Construction Industry was limited so we had a lot of researching to do. We split the research up and my scope was to focus on introducing our project (Oculus), giving an introduction to the Hong Kong Construction Industry and Comparing the Training process between Australia and Hong Kong. A Facebook group was also created to allow easy transfer of files, infomation & questions.

Image 3 : Hong Kong Skyline